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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Steal The Night' gave the following results:

1 matches in composers
  1. Night Kisses

9795 matches in tracks
  1. Steal the night (00:00)
    from King Of Comedy, The
    Ric Ocasek
  2. "Steal the Night" (instrumental version) (04:32)
    from Bloodsport
  3. "Steal the Night" (04:28)
    from Bloodsport
    performed by Michael Bishop
  4. If you're going to steal, steal a lot (02:16)
    from Sharper
  5. Steal the Sky (02:59)
    from Steal The Sky
  6. Steal Away (02:10)
    from Baseball
  7. Steal Something from Her (02:20)
    from Byzantium
  8. Steal Something from Her (02:20)
    from Byzantium
  9. Anacott Steal (02:53)
    from Wall Street
  10. Anacott Steal (02:53)
    from Talk Radio
  11. Let's Steal Their Souls! (01:24)
    from Hocus Pocus 2
  12. Anacott Steal (02:56)
    from Wall Street
  13. Anacott Steal (02:56)
    from Salvador
  14. Anacott Steal (00:00)
    from Wall Street
  15. Anacott Steal (00:00)
    from Talk Radio
  16. Steal Billy (00:50)
    from Dead Silence
  17. They Steal the Boat (01:06)
    from Wedlock
  18. Steal Horses (01:48)
    from Time Tunnel, The
  19. Steal The Sucker (01:38)
    from Uncommon Valor
  20. Lovers Steal Away (01:57)
    from Stalingrad
Show all 9795 matching tracks